Sambou Toura Drame School

The Sambou Toura Drame Elementary School in Senegal is a low-cost, sustainable project that reimagines local materials in a bold geometric form, creating a unique identity for the school and educational experience for the children. Constructed using cob walls—made of clay, earth, bamboo, and water—the design leverages Marsassoum's clay-rich soil and abundant bamboo for structural stability. Curved walls enhance circulation and guide movement, enclosing a central courtyard that serves as a communal space. The courtyard preserves a moraceae tree, anchoring activities like learning, gardening, and tending chickens. Sloping corrugated metal roofs collect rainwater, while elevated roofing promotes natural ventilation through prevailing southwestern winds. This design offers a sustainable, climate-responsive environment while fostering a vibrant learning community.

Competition 2020

Location: Marsassoum, Senegal

Size: 920 square meters